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Risk Analysis

The Risk Analysis is here.

DescriptionProbImpPxIResponse AResponse B
RI1Communication problem: delay in sending camera images to the student.248Decreased resolution of the uploaded image. Only sends the camera image useful for the task.Sending a video at the end of the execution instead of the image in real time.
RI2Pincers not strong enough248include wheels in the boxes.Redo the task so that it is possible to complete without holding the box, remove the related tasks.
RI3Pincers fail to grab item144Use a different, simpler pincer format.
RI4Robot ESP32 is overloaded326Reduce robot camera capture frequency and resolution.Move baterry level processing to Arduino
RI5Too low visibility for the RGB LEDs326Multiple LEDs with surface lighting.Use the student monitor to signal colors. Send arena color to robot using wifi connection
RI6Buttons fail to press326Use infrared sensor to simulate a buttonUse distance sensor to simulate a button
RI7Robot needs more space for maneuver in the maze236Increase the spacing between maze walls, redesign and reduce the complexity of the maze.
RI8The PVC camera support doesn't work326Use tripod with PVC pipe extenderFix the cameras in the ceiling
RI9Not having enough space for the color sensor on the underside of the robot224Use a 3d printed platformreplace with an infrared and use black and white detection only
RI10Battery duration too short.224Extra batteries. Set a maximum time for tasks.Set a minimum time between the execution of two tasks
RI11Induction charger not charging enough224Make a physical contact charging connector using magnets for alignmentRemove the automatic charger
RI12Not aligning the robot correctly with the charger224Include floor markings to read with the color sensor
RI13Problems in not separating the power supply between motors and controllers224split the supplies, only charge motors supply
RI14DC motors insufficient power224Uppower the motors, rework power supply
RI15Problems aligning with the grid224Use a PID controlUse steep motor to control the robot
RI16Someone steps on the arena and breaks something224Warnings around the arena, fix it
RI17Robot Arduino processing overload133Use a second arduino, or substitute the Arduino for a RPiMove processing to the arena PC
RI18Problem with coordination, communication, or other problems with multiple robot processors236Use a single RPi on the robot
RI19Problems to movement the box133include a servo motor to lift the claw
RI20Robot detection error133use a bigger tag or a different tag model
RI21Box detection error133Include a structure uses a structure on top of the box to use a larger tag. Use color detection.Removes task accomplished detection in boxes tasks
RI22Robot escapes bounds313include a margin between the camera boundary and the walls. Send a stop signal to the robot if it is in a wrong position.Someone has to manually put the robot back in the starting position and fix any damaged walls.
RI23Battery measurement inaccuracy122Use an INA219 to read the leveluse runtime to define charging need
RI24ESP32-cam and arduino communicantio problems212Use i2c protocol
RI25The polystyrene walls fails212Draw maze in the arena's floor, use walls only in colored ends.
RI26Local pc unable to handle all server requests122Use a scalable cloud based serve (Azure or AWS)
RI27Misaligned center of mass212move components
RI28Electronic Compoponent failure224Preventive: Buy spares for the ones whith long delivieries. Check the sale in stores close to UTFPR.Buy a new componnent.
RI29Loss of a team member permanently236remove the tasks with box, the robot's claw and related requirements.
Robot-FR03, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
Arena-FR07, 07.1, 07.1
RI30Loss of two team member permanently248Same as RI29, the robot charger and completeness review.
Robot-FR07, 07.1, 07.2, 07.3, 07.4, 07.5, 07.6
RI31Loss of three team member permanently2510Same as RI30 and the teacher webapp.
Soft-FR02, 02.1, 02.2, 02.3, 02.4
RI32Temporary single team member unavailable133Redistribute on going tasks between the other members
RI33Temporary multiple team members unavailable339Redistribute on going tasks between the other members
RI34Blocks created for the block programming language not being enought to complete the proposed tasks414Create more Blocks, so the user can solve all tasks


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